Chemo days are no fun.
They start around 7 a.m. when I get up with Julia. We do our Sesame Street/juice/crackers routine, have breakfast and get ready. We drop Julia off at her nana's and head to chemo.
Today's lasted about an hour and a half. Pick Julia up, take her home, get her down for a nap, get ready for work and head into the office for a full 8-hour shift. Come midnight, I am ready to collapse.
And this is me, the one without the harsh drugs coursing through my system. I'm whining and Mike has pretty much the same schedule...
He's the one with cancer and I'm the big baby. Ugh.
By the way, things went ok today. Next week we're in for the long haul with another 7-hour day.
Hi Mike,
I received a great report from Charles after his trip down to see you. Sounds like a good visit.
I like this blog. I like the stories and the photos, all of it.
Here's wishing you well from one of your old fans on the Gazette copy desk.
You might remember how much I liked your story about cricket.
Vic Burkhammer
Hi Carrie,
I accidentally left my comment on "Tuesdays" under "Bathing beauty."
Hope this Tuesday will be better.
Nancy nee Miller
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