Monday, September 22, 2008


It was a Cherry fest (or as Lisa calls it -- a Lens Crafters ad) at our house this weekend. We had Sue, Lisa, Frank, Nick and Mad.
And Julia was in heaven -- so many people to watch her tricks.
Here are some pictures of what I like to call her theater-in-the round. She had captive audiences all weekend. She sang, she danced, she modeled jewelery...

Anyway, we had a great time eating, drinking, laughing, drinking and hanging by the pool. I finally remembered the last time we were all together -- Mike's 50th birthday cruise back in 2006. Julia was just a blob on a sonogram then...

1 comment:

Andrew Knapp said...

Hahaha. I looked at that first photo and I thought it looked like an ad for Pearle Vision, then I read the first sentence. I couldn't stop laughing.