Friday, May 30, 2008

5 hours

That's how long Mike's chemo treatment will take Tuesday. We got a tour of the room and it doesn't look like a fun place. It's cramped, crowded and cold. There are about 15 recliners in a U-shape, and on the day we were there they were filled with old people. Old sick people. It was heartbreaking, and it didn't seem like Mike would fit in there...

So we're trying to figure out some things that will make the place more bearable and help the time fly by. We've got some books and magazines packed and we're allowed to take snacks.
But I've been thinking about downloading some cancer-kicking music on my iPhone. Something really aggressive and angry. So far we've got Machine Head by Bush, Kashmir by Led Zeppelin, Remedy by Black Crowes and Keep Yourself Alive by Queen.
I'm taking suggestions.

We'll probably take the portable DVD player so we can watch a movie. Hey, we never get to do that anymore now that we have a little one in the house.

We're looking forward to our weekend -- it's Mike's birthday. He's 52 (but don't tell anyone). We've got a shuttle launch, Marina is coming in and we're going to get to see Lisa and Madison for a bit on Sunday.
So everyone have a good couple of days and I'll write on Tuesday to let you know how things went.


some asian guy said...

"iron man" - black sabbath
"rainbow in the dark" - dio
"enter sandman" - metallica
"wake up" - rage against the machine

Anonymous said...

Mike, Carrie and Julia,

Hi Cuz's.
Have no way to reach you.
Talked to Lisa this morn and she told me she was going to see you today but did not have a phone # for you.

Mike Mike Mike
my favorite childhood playmate and cousin. My thoughts and prayers are with you and please e-mail me how Tuesday goes. I wish I could be there with you but your wonderful wife will be a good substitute for me.(stupid sentence-remember we are not so gifted at writing as you are) I finally bought myself a computer on April 12th my 54th birthday so no more excuses for me about not keeping in touch.


Anonymous said...

Last comment from:


Anonymous said...

Hello Cherry's, It's Ashley. Mike's other cousin from PA. I'm a hospice and oncology nurse and I want to help!!! I have alot of experience with cancer and chemotherapy treatments. Can either of you call me. I'm so sorry that Carie was not at my wedding in Oct., but my husband Darina nd I are really enjoyed seeing Michael! Ashley Rios 215 601 9732. Susan and spoke today (Sunday) and gave me this blog address. Happy belated birthday Michael.

Anonymous said...

Hey it's ashley again. I thought of a great song for Tuesday's chemo mix, Pearl Jam's Alive

Anonymous said...

Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Nancy in Illinois