Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Here we go...

We're going forward with the second chemo drug tomorrow. I say we, but it's Mike who will be sitting in the chair with an IV in his port, toxic drugs coursing through his veins...

It was not a decision made lightly but one we feel is necessary. We know this drug has reduced the tumors before so we need to at least give it a second try because we're at such a critical point. Of course, it was this drug that was partly responsible for sending Mike to the hospital for almost three weeks earlier this year. So we have to be on alert, and at the first sign of dehydration or stomach trouble, he has to call the doctor and start getting fluids and medications. This will hopefully ward off the conditions that landed him in the hospital because Dr. Neel said Mike wouldn't survive another setback like that.

What an ugly decision to have to make. Do we try the drug that has been known to shrink Mike's tumors but might kill him? Or do we stick with just the one drug that may or may not work on its own and send Mike into liver failure if it's the latter? I hope and pray we made the right choice.

At this moment, I am torn between being scared to death and determined more than ever that we are ready for this fight.

1 comment:

some asian guy said...

we're in your corner, guys, praying our lungs out. be strong, all of you.