Friday, September 7, 2007

More before and after...

I thought the before and after of Julia's day out was so darn cute, I have to share another.

This is a picture of Julia's hair when she woke up from her nap this afternoon....
I have no idea what she does in her sleep for this to happen, but it sure cracks me up.

And this one is when she finally let me get near her with a brush.

And one more pic I just have to share because it is soooo funny. It's Julia's fish face. She's been doing it a while, but now she can do it upon request. I swear, she makes us laugh all day long!


Anonymous said...

Oh Carrie she is so darn cute. I love the fish face. Your going to have a heart breaker on your hands.

Anonymous said...

I miss Anja being little, wanna trade?